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Miranum-Message connects to the process engine (e.g. Camunda Platform 7 or 8) and enables users to correlate messages with process instance.

To use the Miranum-Message, declare the following Maven dependency in your project:


This dependency is usually added to the <...>-core module, which was introduced in the project structure of our quick-reference.

Implementing Miranum-Message

When using the package structure of the hexagonal architecture we showed you in the Quick-Reference Miranum-Message needs to be imported into the adapter-in package.

└── my-project-core
│ └── src
│ └── main
│ └── java
│ ├── adapter
│ │ ├── in

Having created a class in the package we now want to add Miranum-Message to it. Therefore, we want to check our imports. Make sure to use:

import io.miragon.miranum.connect.message.api.CorrelateMessageCommand;
import io.miragon.miranum.connect.message.api.MessageApi;

In the next step we want to implement a method which handles the message correlation for you. To do so we need to initialise the Message-API. Having done so, we can create a new method correlateMessage which gets the CorrelateMessageCommand as an input. Using messageApi.correlateMessage I can correlate the message with my process, by specifying the message name, correlation key and the variables which should be sent back to the process.

In case a message correlation is not possible, an exception is thrown.

private final MessageApi messageApi;

public void correlateMessage(CorrelateMessageCommand message) {
log.info("Received message: " + message);
messageApi.correlateMessage(new CorrelateMessageCommand(message.getName(), message.getKey(), Map.of(message.getVariables())));
log.info(message + " successfully correlated")